
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Picture This!

It's my first Family Art Wednesday!  These projects are for everyone--whether you are a parent, grandparent, babysitter, aunt--you can do these with or for the kids in your lives. 

Before you know it, you'll be hanging your own unique art on your walls.  Here's something I made for the kids' bathroom.  And all I did was cut and paste!

Sunday is our Family Art Day.   Recently, we used family photos to create custom, one-of-a-kind artwork!

                                         Sophie and Nora in a canoe by Sophie

                                                The Family Circus by Emma

Nora awake at night and ready to party...based on a true story.

The kids loved imagining and seeing themselves in different scenarios!  They were putting their heads on different figures in magazines and on each other's bodies and thought it was HILARIOUS!

Interested in making your own?  Here is what we learned...

Supplies recommended:
* Photos of your family
* Scrapbook paper
* Markers
* Paint pens
* Glue


1) Show your kids examples from this blog or visit Claudine Hellmuth's site to give them an idea about what you are going to do.

2) Have photos with various size headshots or scan your photos to your computer and shrink or enlarge them and then print out to fit your picture.

3) Put your photo down first and design your artwork around the photo to make sure the sizes match.

Kid Feedback:
Sophie said, "I liked knowing a few days before the project what we were going to do.  It gave me time to think about who I wanted in my art and what scene I wanted to put us in." 

Mom Feedback:
It is a good idea to give your kids a heads-up so that they can brainstorm about what they want to do, BUT kids are great at being spontaneous too.  Knowing who they wanted in their scene ahead of time helped me prepare by making sure I had enough headshots for everyone!

Good luck and please send me photos of your artwork  to share on this blog if you decide to make your own!